Endicia stamps com
Endicia stamps com

spent 4 hours!!!!!!! waiting for their "Tier 2" security dept. but even then from some weird reason they put a hold on my account so i cant add postage funds to my account. i had to close my account and open a new one. Even when i agreed to that they couldnt switch me to the more expensive plan before the billing cycle ends which was in a month from then. i had to change my 9.95/month plan to a 17.95 plan just to find out that my issues still arent solved and i actaully need the 24.95/month plan. they seem not to be trained enough about their products and pricing. i called to find out the reason and spent a total of more than 5 hours received different answers to my only question without anyone who can just tell me what the issue is. I've been a customer of Endicia for the past 4 years but the past week turned really sour when i found out some of the feature they used to offer under my plan were taken off. We are switching to a much better shipper with better reviews and customer service that wasn't trained by three-toed sloths. They will attempt to convince you it is your issue. They will do everything they can to NOT refund your account for returned packages caused by their errors. BS- 2 out of 25 packages were not signed. The final rep said "This is your problem because you aren't signing and dating your customs forms". The first 2 reps said that this is a known issue due to the fact that sometimes Endicia's system recycles USPS Tracking Numbers. I was put on hold for approximately 90 minutes out of the 2.25 hors I was on with them. I thought we had a bad connection but was told there is a delay for recording purposes. There is a weird 7 second delay in their phone system. After 2.25 hours on the phone with their non existent customer support, being transferred to 3 different "Superiors" and dealing with their bizarre phone system I have the following thoughts- 1. USPS told us that it was an Endicia issue. In November, 2021 we began to receive 90% of our international packages back from the PO due to duplicate tracking numbers. We used Endicia Internet Postage integrated into the excellent BigCommerce web client for our busy web store for a couple years with no issues.

Endicia stamps com