Satellite reign mods save
Satellite reign mods save

satellite reign mods save

Rather than having the level increase both number of hijacked units and their levels, the level could determine the total levels of the hijacked units, so level 5 = 1 level 4 plus 1 level 1, or 5 level 1 units, or any combination in between. Might be easier to somehow nerf the Hijack skill rather than try to make all the other classes as overpowered as a Hijacking Hacker. Not to mention the rain of fragmentation grenades that such a Soldier could provide. With Ammo Pack the Soldier can reload easily enough, and knock down whole groups of enemies with every shot while they are still trying to get close enough to fire shorter range weapons. making guns blazing tactics unusable and making the game boring because only tactics is to sneak in and do ur objective.Guns blazing can work quite well if you use big enough guns (missile launcher, plasma cannon or laser cannon). Originally posted by Digan:Soldier is totally useless because you just cant go in guns blazing cuz u will get annihilated even with the 4 of u. In the end id love to come back to the game to play with friends again and have more tactics available to us aswell as more weapons MAYBE classes if possible and maybe even new enemies - everything + more would be good ^^ Also i know its alot to ask atm but if possible i think everyone would appreciate it, not just me and my friends :) All classes deserve to be used, all of them have good base to become something really good but it does need changing and more variety of talents, weapons and modfiers. If possible please make all classes usable and make more tactics viable rather than only sneaking in and doing the objective which gets boring and extremely repetitive. id love more variety in maybe classes but id love if there was simply more of everything :) A total Overhaul of the game could be very usefull for all of us. making guns blazing tactics unusable and making the game boring because only tactics is to sneak in and do ur objective. Soldier is totally useless because you just cant go in guns blazing cuz u will get annihilated even with the 4 of u. They have not enough range in my opinion, might aswell get an smg and rek everything with it. Snipers dont do enough damage to what they are, they are supposed to hit hard, slow and precise 2. then Infiltrator class is useless because 1. invisibility almost anyone can have and if u spec into sniper.


Hi, so id like if some1 made a mod for class overhauls, cuz lets be fair here the classes currently dont have that much variety and arent rlly too diffrent to what they do and their possibilities bar the Hacker.Hacker can solo prop everything on his own >.> id love if each class could do alot not just single class, for example infiltrator is almost useless.

Satellite reign mods save